• When you click on the book consultation button, you will see Mrs. Esmy’s availability.

    Select a convenient time.

    After selecting a convenient time, fill out the sign up form completely. You will receive a confirmation notificaiton. Also, the day of the consultation, you will receive a reminder.

    if for any reason you need to cancel. Please do so when you receive the reminder. Mrs. Esmy will contact you to schedule another time.

    Can’t wait to meet you and your child!

    If for any reason Mrs. Esmy’s available times don’t work for you, send an email to mrs.esmy@gmail with the subject: requesting consultation time. In the email provide the time that you are available, and Mrs.Esmy will confirm or suggest another time.

  • As soon as our Zoom call opens, Mrs. Esmy will say hello and get right to work providing a quick assessment to your child.

    First, I will administer the San Diego Quick Assessment. This will help me determine your child’s reading level.

    If your child is reading below grade level, I will then administer the dyslexia screener. This assessment will go a little deeper in finding the reading gaps.

  • Once the assessment is complete, Mrs. Esmy will ask your child to call you and together we will discuss the information you provided in the sign-up form, along with the result of the assessment.

    Mrs. Esmy will suggest a plan, and you will provide your preferred times and days for tutoring.

    If you decide to move forward with tutoring, we will go over the specifics of our tutoring agreement.

    You will be emailed the welcome packet with all the details for your reference.